Advantages of orthodontics as an adult


Have you wanted straight teeth all of your life, but think you are too old to achieve them as an adult?
Well, the first bit of good news is you’re not!

When you come to Presh Mulay for orthodontics Newton Abbot, our team can provide you with a range of braces and aligners, handpicked by us to get you the straighter smile you have always wanted and deserved, in the shortest time possible.

So, what are some of the most common reasons to undertake orthodontics Newton Abbot as an adult? Read on to find out!

Increased confidence

The number one reason why patients undertake orthodontics Newton Abbot as adults is because of the confidence boost that it provides. If you have had misaligned teeth your entire life and have been given the green light to have them straightened, you may be amazed at how your self-esteem improves as your teeth fall into line. It’s that simple!

Lower risk of injury

Properly aligned teeth and jaws prevent injuries from being severe, especially if you play contact sports like rugby.

Protruding teeth are more likely to be broken in a trauma-based accident than correctly aligned teeth, so by straightening your teeth with an aligner or brace, you can actually prevent a myriad of secondary issues from occurring should you ever be in an accident (we hope you won’t be!).

Improved oral health

Of course, straighter teeth are easier to brush and keep clean. If you have a tooth that is misaligned or has crowding, this can create a myriad of places for plaque and bacteria to hide in. The results of plaque and bacteria that have not been removed can be cavities, tooth decay, gum disease and maybe even abscesses. Not good!

By straightening your teeth, you are removing these hidden areas that your toothbrush cannot reach when you brush each day, and thus, you are improving your oral health long term.

Improved general health

As we mentioned in the above paragraph, if your teeth are misaligned, it is harder to brush them correctly. And as a result, plaque builds up.

And an increase in the amount of plaque in your mouth is not only bad for your teeth, but it is bad news for your general health too. Oral plaque has been linked in countless medical studies to higher incidences of cancer, stroke and cardiovascular disease. So by having your teeth straightened as an adult, you are doing far more than simply obtaining a better-looking smile.

Improved speech

You may not be aware of it, but the position of your teeth plays a large role in how you talk and pronounce words.

For instance, if your upper front 6 teeth are perfectly aligned, you will have no issue pronouncing words like ‘thesaurus.’ But if you have spacing or crowding issues, then the ‘th’ sound that occurs at the start of this word can sound odd.

So, if you have noticed that you speak with a slight whistle, lisp or stammer, it is well worth talking to our team about whether wearing a brace or aligner will be helpful for you.