Dental Treatments

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Teeth Whitening

If you are self-conscious about the shade of your teeth or if you have staining on some of your teeth, professional teeth whitening treatment is a safe and recommended option for you to consider.

Here is how teeth whitening works:

  1. You will be assessed for the type of staining your teeth have.
  2. A custom tray is made to fit snugly over your teeth.
  3. The teeth whitening process is activated by a bleaching agent, which is inserted into the custom tray that transfers it onto your teeth.

Home teeth whitening kits are also available to lighten the teeth more gradually. In this case, the trays with bleaching agent can be worn overnight. With all whitening treatment, individual results will vary and are dependant on your initial tooth colour and the nature of your tooth staining.

How long should you wear the trays for?

This depends upon the amount of lightening that you desire and the original shade of the teeth…

What do I do if I have sensitivity?

Sensitivity of the teeth is the most common side effect of home whitening treatment…

What happens when teeth do not bleach evenly?

If the teeth have white spots on them before whitening, these spots will appear whiter during the first few days, however the contrast between the spots and the teeth will become less and eventually they will not be noticeable…

How will my teeth feel?

Normally the teeth feel very clean after the whitening procedure…

What about my smile?

Your smile will appear brighter as a bonus. It is very rare, but sometimes the teeth do not lighten at all…

How long does the whitening treatment last? Will I have to whiten my teeth again?

Normally the new white colour of your teeth keeps quite well. The effect is dependent on what has caused the teeth to discolour in the first place…

Does whitening harm the teeth and the gums?

Safety studies have shown that whitening teeth using dentist prescribed home whitening technique is perfectly safe on the teeth, cheeks, gum and tissues around the mouth…

How much does it cost?

Tooth whitening will cost in total £300. This includes upper and lower custom-made trays, 2-week supply of whitening gel, pre-and post-operative photography…

For more information please click here

Life Benefits

  • Effective solution for certain types of tooth discolouration and staining.
  • Safe treatment when delivered by a dental professional.
  • Cosmetically enhances the appearance of teeth.





Composite Fillings

Composite bonding is an increasingly popular cosmetic dental treatment that is used to improve the shape, colour and overall appearance of patients’ teeth. It uses the same resin material used for white fillings, and is most frequently used on the front teeth – those that show when you smile.​

There have been huge advances in the materials used in bonding dentistry in recent years, meaning composite bonding can be used for disguising minor imperfections in the front teeth, closing small gaps and hiding minor tooth rotations, with no damage to your teeth.​

Composite bonding is a pain-free experience that requires, in most cases, just one visit to the practice. Your dentist will be able to choose a shade of resin that closely matches the colour of your teeth, meaning that the results will look entirely natural.

This is how the treatment works:

  1. Your dentist picks a shade of resin that matches the natural colour of your teeth.
  2. The resin is carefully applied to your teeth, with no need for any work or damage to them.
  3. Your dentist then carefully shapes and smooths the resin to hide any imperfections, for a result that looks entirely natural.
  4. Once the resin has been shaped, it is hardened very quickly with the help of a special light.

Although composite bonding treatment does not last as long as veneers, many patients find the treatment is highly cost-effective. It can also be repeated with no damage at all to your teeth.

Life Benefits

  • A natural, healthy smile that you are proud to show off.
  • No preparation of your teeth is required, meaning they remain strong.
  • Treatment can usually be completed in one short visit to the practice.





Crowns & Bridges


A crown is a type of dental restoration used to fix teeth that have been broken, weakened by decay or contain a very large filling.

Here is how it works:

  1. An impression is taken of the tooth that needs restoring.
  2. A crown is made in the dental laboratory to fit the tooth precisely and match the neighbouring teeth.
  3. The tooth is then prepared and the crown fitted securely on top.

A crown could be a good solution for you if you have some discoloured fillings and would like to improve their appearance. Crowns can be used to replace these to give you a more appealing smile. Additionally, if you have had root canal treatment you will need a crown to protect or cap the restored tooth, allowing you to eat and bite down on it as if it was a real tooth. Crowns are also used to anchor a bridge or denture firmly in place in the mouth.

Both zirconium and E-MAX bridges are all ceramic bridges which are the more preferable in the front of the mouth due to their aesthetic appearance and better, more comfortable fit. Both are durable, but are more prone to cracking than ceramic metal mix bridges. The laboratory we use guarantee the zirconium bridge for 5 years. Zirconium and E-MAX bridges are translucent in colour, which ensures the closest colour match to your natural teeth. Their colour also eliminates the ugly metal band around the gum line that is characteristic of ceramic metal mix bridges. Since they are made of ceramic, there is no risk of metal allergic reactions. Zirconium and E-MAX bridges are lighter and thinner than traditional ceramic metal mix bridges which means less of your tooth is required to be removed for the bridge to fit. Ceramic bridges are also the better option for patients who have little room between their teeth.

For more information click here

Life Benefits

  • Strengthens remaining tooth structure.
  • Natural-looking restoration.
  • Functions like a real tooth, so you can bite and chew as usual.


If you require a more extensive restoration than a crown or have more than one tooth that needs to be repaired, a good solution is a bridge.

Here is how they work:

  1. Bridges are usually made of a precious metal base, which gives them a solid structure and makes them hard-wearing. If you need a bridge in your smile line, porcelain is usually added to the base to make it look more like real teeth.
  2. A bridge helps to strengthen the prepared teeth and makes chewing and eating easier because they are fixed and can’t come out.
  3. Some bridges can also be fixed to your jaw with dental implants, if you have several teeth next to each other that are missing.

Once you have a bridge fitted, you will have to take extra care during your daily hygiene regime to ensure it stays plaque free and does not cause bad breath.

Life Benefits

  • A sturdy way to restore several teeth in a row.
  • Beautiful, natural-looking restoration.
  • Restores the ability to chew and eat as before.






There is a solution to having straighter teeth without having to wear the traditional unsightly metal braces. Known as invisible orthodontics, this type of treatment offers you the choice of wearing a clear and sometimes removable appliance while straightening and aligning your teeth.​

This is often a favourable option for adults who have professional careers and don’t feel comfortable wearing unsightly ‘train track’ braces for months on end. The technology behind invisible orthodontics is highly advanced and often gives patients a much shorter treatment time, depending on their individual cases.

Here is an overview of how they work:

  1. They straighten teeth discreetly, and some can even be removed periodically, making them easier to fit around your hectic lifestyle.
  2. They straighten teeth much more quickly than traditional braces, starting from as little as six months.
  3. They are more comfortable than traditional braces because they use less force and modern wire technology.

Life Benefits

  • Straighter teeth are healthier teeth.
  • Having an attractive smile will have a positive effect on your confidence.
  • Invisible braces are a long-term investment in your oral health.

Anxious Patients

Some patients have a phobia of dental procedures that cannot be driven away by any amount of care and reassurance. Prescription drug in the form of a diazepam tablet can allay the anxiety are very effective in most patients. These tablets are prescribed for you to take the night before and/or the morning before your appointment; you will need someone to take you to and from the appointment. These drugs take away the edge making subsequent dental treatments more tolerable. Sometimes concious sedation is necessary to undertake dental procedures.​

Conscious sedation is a form of anxiety control which makes treatment more pleasant for the patient. It is effective, predictable and very safe and is the modern alternative to general anaesthesia for most dental procedures. Where general anaesthesia was used in the past, progressive dentists now use conscious sedation. Intravenous sedation is the most commonly used form of sedation in adults. I will advise you if another technique is appropriate. Conscious sedation will make you feel sleepy and relaxed. Most patients can remember little or nothing of the procedure, but it does not affect any part of your memory before the drug is given. Many of my patients who in the past needed concious sedation have developed enough confidence and trust that they could undergo a lot of dental treatment using just anxiolytic tablet.

Teeth Straightening

A beautiful straight smile is the aesthetic ideal, but few people are lucky enough to be born with one. Luckily, we can help craft the smile you wish you had. If the situation presents as minor cosmetic issues, such as crooked or overlapping teeth, or there are problems with your bite that can have a deeper impact on your life, we can help create a smile that looks great and works for you.

Our patients have access to a multiple choice of teeth-straightening options – combining the most advanced technologies, in terms of mechanics and materials, with fast treatment times. The first step is to book an Orthodontic consultation at Moretonhampstead Dental Practice.

We’ll take the time to get to know you and come up with the straightening solution best suited to your needs and lifestyle. But it doesn’t end there – with our Straight Smile package, we’ll complete your smile with FREE cosmetic reshaping if required, as well as a whitening treatment as standard, and retainers to maintain the results.

We can offer suresmile and inman aligners

SureSmile® Aligners

More than just invisible.

Orthodontic treatment with SureSmile Aligners can help you achieve your ideal smile faster, easier, and more discretely than you ever thought possible.

Your smile deserves a clinician developed treatment plan

The SureSmile Aligner system gives you the peace of mind that your treatment plan is
developed by a dental professional. Your clinician has invested in state-of-the-art equipment and software that allows them to see your teeth ‘root to crown’ at every angle imaginable. You can be confident your personalised treatment plan is fully customised and designed for a long-term healthy, happy smile.

What are SureSmile Aligners?

SureSmile Aligners are a series of transparent, removable clear aligners designed to
progressively straighten your teeth into their ideal position. They are comfortable and virtually invisible so you don’t have to change your lifestyle.

Great results

SureSmile Aligners are designed to fit perfectly and align your teeth in exactly the right way

Short Treatment

SureSmile Aligner is an advanced system that delivers a series of new aligners to ensure you get great results in the shortest possible time

Designed to last

SureSmile Aligner specialists develop your treatment so you can be sure your new smile is designed to last

How do SureSmile Aligners work?

  1. A 3D model of your teeth is created using a digital scanner that allows your clinician to analyse your bite from every angle possible
  2. Using this model and our state-of-the-art treatment planning software, movement of each tooth is calculated with unparalleled precision
  3. I shall determines your optimal and completely customised treatment plan
  4. Your custom aligners are made using industry leading clear Essix® plastic materials

Take the first step towards a more confident and healthy smile.

Call us to schedule your consultation today!

Please click here to read the patient brochure

Clenching/Grinding Prevention

Do you find yourself clenching or grinding teeth often? Grinding and clenching is a very common problem that goes undetected. It’s medically known as bruxism. Continual grinding and clenching persists throughout a large portion of the day or night, it can lead to harmful symptoms. It’s more common at night than in the daytime.

Persistent bruxism can lead to worn and fractured teeth, recession of the gums, muscle pain, regular headaches and TMJ jaw pain. Clenching or grinding your teeth is caused by multiple factors. Predominantly they are divided into three categories- 1) The jaw position and how balanced is the bite when you bring your teeth together 2) The health of the muscle and the nerves supplying these muscles and 3) Mental stress. It’s not possible for a dentist to stop people from grinding their teeth. However a dentist with the understanding to treat TMJ issues can manage the problem. We can custom fit you for a night guard splint, which is an medical custom made device that sits atop your teeth. You may have tried the shop bought night guards, but we find they usually are not helpful long term. The reason is because these night guards establish an arbitrary jaw position which will not relieve the muscle tension and prevent bruxism. Bruxism is often caused by teeth unevenly hitting each other.

Teeth are not supposed to touch when not in function. When the teeth start rubbing against the opposing teeth, the unequal force distribution can lead to pain, fractures, cracked teeth, etc. The aim of the custom-made night guard splint is to balance out the unequal forces exerted by the teeth. An occlusal night guard can be used as a stabilising or a definitive treatment. As a stabilising treatment option, the dentist is looking to determine how the jaw function is improved if the bite and jaw are better balanced. Once improvement is found, other treatments can be used to help permanently balance the bite either with orthodontics, restorative treatment, or occlusal equilibration.

Snoring/Sleep Apnoea

Can snoring kill? Is it such a serious issue?… and not just because your partner wants to kill you!

It unfortunately affects the partners health more than they can imagine. Do you feel tired during the day, have trouble concentrating, and underperform at work or school? Snoring, waking exhausted, daytime tiredness and nodding off are only the beginning. People laugh about snoring and it may sound funny. BUT it’s not widely known that sleep apnoea is strongly associated with serious medical issues, including a multi-FOLD increased risk of death. Seriously.

Evidence shows people especially men have a higher incidence of

  • A heart attack or stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Car accidents

So what exactly is sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea, in simple terms, is a medical condition where you stop breathing during sleep. It is caused by the collapse of the air passage in your throat when you breath in. In severe apnoea, a person can stop breathing over 100 times during the night.

Deprivation of the brain and the rest of the body of oxygen is the main reason why this is dangerous. There is growing evidence that snoring or sleep apnoea in kids can influence their physical and mental development. Alas the UK lags behind the rest of the world in tackling this problem in children.

Do I have sleep apnoea?

The only certain way to be sure is to have a “sleep study”, which is where you sleep for a night hooked up to some sensors that monitor your sleep quality. We can write to your general medical practitioner who might be able to assist you in accessing such a sleep study.


  • Do you wake up feeling tired?
  • Do you wake up with headaches?
  • Do you feel the need to nod off during the day?
  • Do you snore?
  • Do you wake with a dry throat, or frequently get up to use the toilet at night?

If these things sound familiar, further investigation is warranted. Download a questionnaire here. Sleep apnoea is actually quite common, but not routinely diagnosed. It occurs in around 1/3 of all British men and 1/5 women. Unfortunately, as its not diagnosed most remain untreated.

So why am I interested in sleep apnoea?

The gold-standard, according to the medical literature, for treating obstructive sleep apnoea is a Continuous-Positive Airway Pressure (C-PAP) machine. It is a mask that forces air into your nose and mouth while you are asleep.

They work very well. These machines are loud and uncomfortable, and many patients can’t tolerate them. A treatment modality available is a mouth guard that’s worn while you are asleep, made by a trained dentist so that it pulls your lower jaw slightly forward. This opens up the airway and allows for smoother air flow. Dental Profession does have experience in successfully treating snoring (and mild to moderate sleep apnoea)with many types of oral appliances. We generally prefer to use the Sleepwell appliance.

Sleepwell MAS (Mandibular Advancement Splint)

The Sleepwell MAS is a unique, sophisticated, British designed and manufactured oral appliance which has been the subject of numerous stringent, evidence-based studies which demonstrate it to be a safe, effective, comfortable and extremely well tolerated treatment. Why don’t you contact us for a brief consultation?


Our teeth help us speak with clarity, eat and enhance our appearance. A good oral hygiene regime will keep your teeth in the best condition for the rest of their life. People can still end up losing teeth for assorted reasons. The most common reason is failure to maintain a good oral hygiene routine and not attending to see a dentist. Everyone knows the absence of front teeth can be unattractive but not many people understand that the absence of back teeth leads to wear, chipping, fracture or loss of front teeth. And unlike children, once the teeth have been lost, they do not grow back. Modern dentistry allows replacement of missing posterior and anterior teeth. Artificial teeth are used to replace the missing natural teeth or to replace the natural teeth where they are unrepairable. We can offer the best fitting and looking dentures to our patients.

What are Dentures?

Dentures are artificial teeth that are positioned on the gums within the mouth. The teeth are made of either acrylic or porcelain that are matched to the color of the remaining teeth in your mouth. The base on which the teeth sit can be made of acrylic or dental alloy. In essence dentures are not really replacement teeth, they are replacements to fill the gaps where teeth used to be present.

Preparation of the mouth for Dentures

Prior to recording the mold for your teeth and gums, all necessary procedures should be undertaken. This might involve removing a rotten tooth/teeth, filling a tooth with a hole or to make a crown over such a tooth. If you are getting a set of complete dentures, then the remaining teeth (that are damaged and unrepairable) must be removed first allowing your gum to heal.

Alternative ways like smoothening down a root to the level of the gum or placing a crown on a heavily filled tooth are also undertaken prior to making a denture.

Types of Dentures

Dentures are classified by the material used for the base, the number of teeth and whether it will partially cover the gums or fully cover the gums.

Partial Denture – Remaining healthy teeth are left alone. These remaining teeth can act as supports for the dentures and the wings of the dentures can be attached to the teeth.

Full Denture – These dentures are needed when there are no natural teeth left or most of them are already lost. Full dentures are needed when there are 24 to 28 missing teeth. The unrepairable teeth are first removed. An alternative is an overdenture where the existing teeth are smoothened down to the level of the gum.

Types of denture materials

Metal-base dentures

Metallic dentures are often called cobalt-chrome precision dentures. Cobalt chromium is a hypoallergenic, biocompatible medical grade alloy. We also use acrylic to wrap around the metallic frame to make the denture relatively light and to improve support. Such a denture predominantly derives support from the teeth present in the mouth.

The advantages of a metallic denture are multifold-

  • They are inherently strong.
  • They can be kept small or narrow or thin and still have adequate strength.
  • We can avoid the need for gum surgery prior to making such a denture.
  • They are relatively light weight hence can feel stable and comfortable.

The disadvantages of a metallic denture are-

  • Metal dentures are more expensive than plastic ones.
  • They are not as easy to reline

Plastic and Nylon based-dentures.

Dentures made of rigid plastic or flexible nylon are alternative to cobalt chromium precision dentures.

Advantages of plastic denture-

  • They are comparatively cheaper.
  • Easier to manufacture.
  • They can be relined easily.
  • They can be premade before teeth are extracted.
  • Additional teeth can be added to acrylic dentures easily.

Disadvantages of a plastic/nylon denture

  • They can break relatively easily.
  • The denture derives support from the underlying gum which shrinks making the denture unstable needing a reline.
  • They can damage gums and attract plaque causing issues like gum disease to flare up.
  • They must not be allowed to dry else they warp.
  • New teeth cannot be added to nylon (valplast) dentures.

Immediate Dentures

Sometimes you need immediate dentures, and they can be made with extremely limited waiting time. These are cost-effective. They allow you to have replacement teeth without having to live with a gap. It also allows the gum to heal under the denture after a tooth has been removed.


Overdentures are a special denture that sits on top of existing teeth. Sometimes, it is better to not remove healthy but unfillable teeth. They are ground down to the stumps and left in the bone. Denture is made over this. Overdentures are particularly beneficial in the lower jaw.

Overdentures are not recommended in –

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Excessive decay within the tooth.
  • Teeth are loose.
  • Incorrectly shaped root stumps – we cannot create a rounded root stump.

Advantages of an overdenture are-

  • Denture is more stable.
  • Chewing forces are distributed to the roots and the gum.
  • Bone level if maintained.
  • Eating feels more natural as the roots give a pressure feedback.

Overdenture has its own problems too-

  • Not possible in every situation.
  • Can be slightly more expensive.
  • Fitting the denture is always a little harder.
  • The underlying root can get infected needing future removal.

Why not get in touch so we can discuss your requirements and undertake a thorough assessment to plan your very personalized custom-made denture? If you have an old denture which needs to be improved on, bring that along too. You might be pleasantly surprised to know we may be to even improve the existing denture.

Cosmetic Treatments

What does it take to get the smile of your dreams? For those who want a beautiful, sparkling smile the best course of action is to see a dentist who is interested in undertaking such treatments. We will not only provide the procedures needed to give my patients their best smile ever, but we can also explain why these procedures are needed. ​

When you visit us, you will have your choice of one or more of these dental procedures.

1. Tooth Whitening

This is one of the most popular options for people who want a quick and simple way to change their smile.

It is great for people who do not need anything more than a little bit of brightening, or for people who do not want to make a huge commitment. This is the most affordable and minimally invasive option.

Tooth whitening can be done in the office or at home, but it is wise to get the product from a dental clinic. Over-the-counter whitening products do not always provide the brightening most people desire. You can read more about tooth whitening here.

2. Enamel Bonding

Dental bonding is an excellent procedure for teeth which are deeply stained or chipped.

The composite bonding material is typically the same which is used for white dental fillings. This material is mouldable, which means your dentist can shape the material to fit the ideal, beautiful shape you want.

The drawback of this procedure (and why a lot of people choose veneers instead) is because the lifespan of the enamel bonding is not nearly as long as dental veneers. With digital smile design, you can visualise your future smile before its done. You can even have a trial smile with composites which are moulded on to your teeth. Newer procedures like resin infiltration allow you to remove localised discoloured patches on the teeth with minimum intervention.

3. Dental Veneers/Crowns

Dental veneers are the gold standard in cosmetic dental procedures. Veneers are thin porcelain shells which fit over the facial surface of the teeth.

The enamel of your tooth is gently filed down, and then an impression is taken. Custom veneers are fabricated by the skilled lab technician. Temporary veneers are placed over the teeth until the definitive veneers are made.

Veneers are suitable for people who have dark staining which does not improve with tooth whitening, as well as chipped, uneven or fractured front teeth. Emax is the material of choice that is used to make veneers or crowns.

4. Invisible Braces

Most people think braces are for kids, but more and more adults are getting braces to get the smile they have always wanted. Invisible braces are a great option for adults because no one can tell you are wearing them!

Braces are not only for aesthetics. This dental procedure can correct misalignment causing pain, like chronic headaches. The benefits make this procedure worth the investment. See the dedicated page for teeth straightening here.

5. Enamel Abrasion

This procedure is another way to remove discoloration. The procedure uses a calcium carbonate, aluminium oxide in a micro-abrasion machine to remove surface stains.

This removes superficial stains from tobacco, wine, tea and coffee. Enamel abrasion does not work for intrinsic stains, or stains inside the tooth, though. Read more here

Whether you want a brighter, whiter smile, or want to completely redo your entire look with veneers and bonding – we can help you achieve your goals.

Are you interested in getting a better smile? Contact us to learn more about our cosmetic dental procedures and to schedule a consultation.

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