Find Orthodontics in Newton Abbot To Help With Teeth Health


If you’re looking for a practice that provides excellent care in orthodontics in Newton Abbot then look no further than Presh Mulay – we are a family friendly practice. Established forty years ago we are proud to be part of our long-standing community. We offer patients individually tailored care. Being able to help patients with a variety of different dental problems is something we’re really proud of and orthodontics in Newton Abbot is just one area we pride ourselves in.

What are Orthodontics in Newton Abbot?

Orthodontics in Newton Abbot are dental treatments that work to straighten or realign the teeth and or jaw bone. They use specialised appliances, such as fixed or removable braces to move teeth into the desired positions. Giving patients both mental and physical benefits of perfect alignment.

The benefits of Tooth and Alignment Correction

For many patients the obvious benefit of teeth straightening is the cosmetic finish. Of course this is a fantastic reason to move your teeth – having the alignment you’ve always dreamed of is something all patients deserve and we have seen can lead to serious development in people’s happiness, confidence and overall mental health.

What patients don’t always realise is the physical benefits that come – when our teeth are in correct alignment and sit neatly they are far, far, far easier to clean. Being able to reach in the small, tucked away parts of teeth and gums easily makes for a better, easier clean. And good oral health is so important when we’re looking to prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

If you’re someone who’s suffered with teeth grinding, then realigning your teeth and jaw could help stop this. Often when the jaws aren’t properly aligned it causes us to subconsciously grind our teeth usually at night but sometimes even during the day. Tooth grinding wears down the enamel on the teeth – protective layer that guards against tooth sensitivity. It also causes us to have tension in the jaw and face, and can frequently cause migraine and headaches.

Digestion can also be affected, when we don’t chew our food correctly the body can start to have issues with digestion further down the digestive tract with patients experiencing bloating, cramps and constipation. When teeth are misaligned, it can cause us to underchew food – which is much harder for the gut to break down.


The team here at Presh Mulay are really proud to be able to offer Suresmile Aligners. SureSmile aligners work by working through a series of clear, plastic aligner trays which slowly put pressure on your teeth to make them move. They are able to support the correction of a heap of dental issues and what’s more we’re offering free consultations to all patients to see how they can help you. SureSmile, works quickly with minimum discomfort and disruption to your lifestyle, they’re barely noticeable when you wear them and you can take them out for eating, drinking and cleaning. If you want to know more contact the practice today, one of the team is ready to answer any questions you might have.