SureSmile Aligners

You want to make sure you receive the treatment that is best for you because getting your teeth straightened is an exciting moment. Presh Mulay will make sure you get the best care possible that meets your needs and is performed to a very high degree.

Each orthodontic procedure in Newton Abbot is beneficial in its own way and can significantly improve the appearance of your smile. Orthodontics Newton Abbot is a series of dental procedures that straighten your teeth. These procedures straighten your natural teeth as opposed to cosmetic solutions that conceal your flaws (which might still be a desirable option).


Before we start any treatment, Presh will meet with you for a consultation. This gives us the chance to get to know you, and you with us. We will also discuss your preferences and the many orthodontics choices. After that, we will look at your teeth to see how serious your situation is. To assist us take a closer look at your teeth and jaws, we might also take scans.

Sure Smile

Because the procedure is so quick and easy, Sure Smile is one of our more well-liked services. We will give you several reusable, transparent plastic aligners that will gradually move your teeth over a certain distance.

We will give you several removable, clear plastic aligners that will gradually and gently move your teeth over time. The length of time it takes Sure smile to complete alignment depends entirely on how severe your situation is; however, it typically ranges from 3 to 18 months. Since the aligners we provide you are created specifically for your teeth, they will fit tightly around them and increase comfort. You will be able to switch between the aligners once we have provided them to you, which is wonderful if you have a busy schedule because it means fewer dental visits. Throughout the Sure Smile process, you will only need to schedule an appointment with us every 6 to 8 weeks so that we can monitor your progress.

Throughout the Sure Smile process, you will only need to schedule a visit with us every 6 to 8 weeks so that we can monitor your progress and provide you new aligners.

Aligners by Inman

Inman aligners might be right for you if you’re seeking for a speedier orthodontics treatment. If you’re searching for a more cosmetic-based therapy, this aligner is beneficial because it concentrates on straightening your front teeth.

With a detachable appliance with two coil springs that force the two aligner bows to oppose one another, Inman aligners straighten your teeth. This movement can be finished in as little as six weeks and leads to a straighter grin. Although we advise you to wear the Sure Smile aligners 24 hours a day, you can easily take them out to eat and brush your teeth. There are no dietary restrictions during this procedure because the aligners are removable, which is always a plus!