Transform yourself with a smile makeover; a comprehensive approach


A dazzling, confident smile has the power to light up a room and leave a lasting impression. At our local dental clinic, with Presh Mulay, we understand the importance of a beautiful smile, and we are excited to introduce you to our innovative treatment option – a smile makeover Newton Abbot. Combining various dental procedures, dental makeovers provide a comprehensive solution to enhance your smile’s aesthetics and functionality. The unique benefits of dental makeovers can transform your smile and boost your self-esteem.

What is a dental makeover?

A smile makeover Newton Abbot is a customised treatment plan that combines various dental procedures to address multiple aspects of your smile, such as tooth alignment, colour, shape, and size. The goal of a dental makeover is to create a harmonious, well-balanced smile that suits your individual facial features and aesthetic preferences. By combining treatments, we can address multiple issues simultaneously, saving you time and delivering exceptional results.

The dental makeover process: tailoring treatment to your unique needs

The first step in a makeover is a comprehensive consultation, this is where we will discuss your goals and preferences and perform a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and bite. Based on this information, we will create a customised treatment plan tailored to you. A dental makeover may include a combination of cosmetic and restorative procedures, such as teeth whitening, dental veneers, orthodontics, dental implants, or crowns.

The art and science of smile design: crafting the perfect smile

One of the key aspects of a dental makeover is the attention to detail and the artistry involved in designing an enhanced smile. Our dental professional will consider various factors, such as facial proportions, tooth shape, and the relationship between your teeth, gums, and lips, to create a smile that looks natural and harmonious. We utilise technology, such as digital smile design software, to help you visualise the potential results before we begin any treatment.

Improved efficiency: achieving results faster

A significant advantage of dental makeovers is the efficiency gained by combining treatments. Traditional dental treatment plans may require multiple appointments and extended time between procedures. With a dental makeover, we can often complete several treatments in a shorter time frame, allowing you to enjoy your new smile sooner.

Long-lasting results and a smile that stands the test of time

We understand the importance of not only achieving a beautiful smile, but also ensuring that it lasts for years to come. The combination of treatments in a smile makeover Newton Abbot is designed to provide a stable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing result that will stand the test of time. Presh Mulay will also provide guidance on maintaining your new smile, including proper oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups.

Discover the potential of your smile with dental makeovers

If you have ever dreamed of achieving a flawless, confident smile, a smile makeover may be the perfect solution for you. Combining various dental treatments into a comprehensive plan, smile makeovers provide an efficient and personalised approach to enhancing your smile’s aesthetics and functionality. At our local dental clinic, we are committed to helping you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. So contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards a stunning, radiant smile.