A journey to confidence with a smile makeover


We wholeheartedly believe that everyone deserves a smile they’re proud to share with the world. A smile is the first thing people notice about you, and it’s a powerful tool for communication and connection. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to enhance and perfect your smile with Presh Mulay. We call this transformative process a smile makeover Newton Abbot.

What is a makeover?

A smile makeover Newton Abbott is a comprehensive and customised treatment plan designed to improve the aesthetics of your smile. It may include various procedures, from teeth whitening to dental veneers, crowns, or even orthodontics.With Presh Mulay, our aim is to create a balanced and harmonious smile that complements your facial features and boosts your self-confidence.

Our approach to makeovers

Our approach to dental makeovers is unique. We begin with a thorough consultation to understand your needs, concerns, and aesthetic goals. We evaluate your teeth, gums, and the overall balance between your smile and facial features. This allows us to recommend the best combination of procedures for your specific circumstances.

The building blocks of a smile

A visit to our practice can involve a combination of procedures, depending on your individual needs.

Teeth whitening

This is often the first step in a makeover and can make a significant impact on the brightness of your smile. We offer professional teeth whitening services to safely and effectively lighten the colour of your teeth.

Dental veneers

Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are custom-made to fit over your natural teeth, providing a uniform, white, and aesthetically pleasing appearance.


For patients with crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth, orthodontic treatments such as traditional braces or invisible aligners can be included in the oral cosmetic makeover process.

Crowns and bridges

These can be used to restore the shape, strength, and functionality of damaged or missing teeth, improving both your smile and your overall oral health.

Why choose Presh Mulay for your smile adjustments?

At the practice, we are committed to providing our patients with high-quality, personalised care. We are passionate about creating beautiful smiles that instil confidence. We utilise the latest technology and techniques in our treatments, ensuring that you receive the best care possible.

Your smile is one of your most important assets – it speaks volumes before you even say a word. So, why not invest in a smile that you love? Choose us for your oral makeover and let us help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

The benefits of a makeover

A smile regeneration can really impact your standard of life. Not only can it boost the appearance of your smile, but it can also aid your self-esteem and confidence. When you feel proud and confident about your smile, you are more likely to engage with others, make new connections, and excel in both personal and professional settings. A smile makeover Newton Abbot is an investment in yourself and your happiness, with long-lasting results.

Getting started

If you’re ready to embark on your journey to a confident and radiant smile, contact our practice today. Our friendly and knowledgeable dentist will schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and create a personalised treatment plan just for you. We believe that everyone deserves a smile they love, and we’re here to make that a reality. Don’t let anything hold you back from showing off your beautiful smile – take the first step and start your smile journey with us.