Getting a complete smile makeover


If you are looking to have a complete smile makeover Newton Abbot, then look no further as there are a wide range of treatments offered here at our practice by Presh Mulay to make you look and feel great about your teeth. Whether you simply want your teeth whitened or want a complete smile makeover Newton Abbot with dental veneers, you can rest assured that you will be in the most professional hands.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is the field of dentistry that focuses on enhancing and improving the appearance of your teeth. Unlike general dentistry which focuses primarily on preventive care, cosmetic dentistry is designed to improve the aesthetics of your teeth using a range of treatments varying from teeth whitening to composite bonding. Cosmetic dentistry comes with a lot of advantages, the most significant being that it is able to improve the appearance of your natural teeth, thereby enhancing your smile. Treatments are available to make dull teeth appear brighter, a lot of the treatments can conceal visible chips or cracks in your teeth, your teeth can seem more symmetrical and cohesive making them more appealing to the eye.

What dental imperfections can be fixed with cosmetic dentistry?

There are a range of dental issues that can be addressed by cosmetic dentistry, with the majority of the treatments being non-surgical and a lot more affordable than surgical procedures, which is why it is becoming increasingly popular. Some of the issues cosmetic dentistry can resolve include small gaps in between your teeth, tooth staining or discolouration, misaligned teeth, and chipped or misshapen teeth. It is important to note that your teeth and gums must be healthy in order for you to be eligible for cosmetic dentistry, as dental health issues will first need to be addressed before you can have a complete smile makeover Newton Abbot.

What are the most popular cosmetic treatments?

Fortunately, there are a lot of cosmetic dental treatments on offer to address any imperfections you may think you have. Some of the more popular dental cosmetic treatments people opt for include the following services.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dental treatment to tackle discolouration and staining. Teeth staining and yellowing is usually caused by habitually drinking caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee. Teeth whitening carried out professionally by our dentist Presh Mulay can lift layers of stains and discolouration from your teeth, bringing back their brightness. The process is painless and can either be carried out at the dental practice or our dentist can give you a whitening pack to take home and do yourself, with the results being evident within a few hours.


Veneers have become an increasingly sought-after cosmetic dental treatment as they can make all your teeth appear the same size, shape and shade. Veneers are made of medical grade porcelain and are thin but firm shells that are bonded onto the surface of your natural teeth. If they are looked after properly, veneers can last for up to ten years. Veneers are commonly used to treat cracks, chips and discolouration in teeth, however they can also conceal any gaps you may have between your natural teeth without the need of braces.

Composite bonding

Bonding involves applying tooth-coloured resin to the surface of your teeth to conceal cracks or discolouration to your natural teeth. It is commonly used to change the shape of your natural teeth to make them appear more cohesive. Composite bonding does not last as long as dental veneers, and needs to be changed every five to seven years.